International Listings
Due to globalization, it is essential to be present internationally if we want to succeed in the real estate market. Canada is a popular destination for many immigrants and investors. For example, it is the 2nd destination of choice for the Chinese, behind the United States.
Meredith Realty uses the ListGlobally service powered by IMMO SQUARE in Quebec, which gives the chance for your properties to be seen by 216 million potential buyers per month around the world.
Which Countries Can See My Adds?
Listings are disseminated in an 'all-inclusive' package and the countries concerned are spread over the different continents: Europe, Asia, South America, North America, and Africa.
The selected countries represent the strongest potential for real estate buyers: China, Russia, Brazil, Australia, Germany, France, Belgium, Singapore… and the network has doubled in the last 12 months.
Our partner portals are among the leaders in their market.